What to do in case of fever?
- Prof. Dr. David Martin
Dear parents,
Every healthy child gets a feverish illness from time to time. Nevertheless, many parents with a feverish child feel insecure or afraid. But what exactly does fever mean, what can you do and what is important?
For many years fever was considered a danger that should be strictly suppressed. Today this attitude is changing. Studies now clearly show that fever is a highly effective response of the body to fight viruses and bacteria.
The pediatrician Prof. Dr. David Martin answers the most important questions on the subject of fever and places the aspects of anthroposophic medicine on fever in the context of current fever research.
Videos about fever
Prof. Dr. David Martin Answers questions on the subject of fever

- Prof. David Martin’s background + interest in fever
- Warmth, Empathy and Self
- Warmth and Education.
- faster and more complete resolution?
- Is fever dangerous?
- Fever and Allergic Diseases
- opportunity to provide loving care
- A Pediatric Perspective on Education
- Can febrile infections prevent cancer?
- Recommendations for parents
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